
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Episode Run Time: 00:50:58
Today, I talk to Dr. Harris Schlen, the clinical director of MoreDent. He was formerly the principal dentist at SV Dental Centre with over 30 years of clinical experience and an educator in the field of implant dentistry. During the early days of digital dentistry, Dr. Schlen was initially reluctant to try guided surgery. After experiencing its effectiveness first-hand, he has since been a proud advocate for digital dentistry and guided implant dentistry.
In this third episode of the dental implant audio residency series, we talk about the digital workflow and the technological advances in implant dentistry. Dr. Harris Schlen also shares his tips for how to use guides effectively and how to succeed in implant dentistry.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[07:02] Adoption of a guided approach to surgery
[10:48] Reducing variability of outcomes with guided placement
[14:30] Characteristics of successful dentists
[20:10] Setting realistic outcomes with patients
[22:47] Dr. Harris’ digital workflow from start to finish
[28:59] Creation of precise guides
[32:37] Guides are not 100% fail proof
[34:00] Integration of different tools is the future
[39:22] Have a mentor guide you through implant dentistry
[46:18] “There are no facts”
[48:19] Be discerning with your learning resources
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
MoreDent is driving the charge forward in integrated digital dentistry by providing world class education, equipment, products, solutions, and support to thousands of practices. Their goal is simple: to enhance clinical and patient outcomes so that dentists and patients alike can enjoy the highest possible level of success.
To find out more, visit www.moredent.com.au
Do you plan to specialise in implant dentistry? Did you find Dr. Harris’ tips useful? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
** $200 Discount code – “Noobie200” at www.thirdmolarsonline.com **
Welcome to another episode of the Mastering Dentistry series with the Noobie Dentist Podcast. Today’s episode is a very unique one and will provide lots of value to many young dentists who are interested in oral surgery. Today’s podcast focuses on Dr. Nekky Jamal and his journey to be a very successful and established dentist with a focus on thirds molar exodontia. Dr. Nekky has kindly provided the listeners of this podcast a $200 discount to his online mentorship course on thirds molar exodontia. You can find the course at www.thirdmolarsonline.com and the discount code is “Noobie200”.
I really hope you enjoy this episode.
Follow Dr. Zeyad Hammad on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zidentist/
Follow Dr. Ricky Hamami on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thesixdentist/
Online third molar exodontia course – Discount code Noobie200
Dentistree Academy courses:
Dental missions & volunteering with Dr. Nekky Jamal
Please don’t forget to follow the Noobie Dentist on Spotify and Itunes to get updates on future episodes.

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Nu Dastaran
Episode Run Time: 00:45:21
Today, I talk to Dr. Nu Dastaran, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Melbourne. Originally from London, she graduated with a medical degree from the University of Bristol. Through exposure to and her interest in head and neck anatomy Dr. Dastaran decided to start the journey towards becoming an OMFS. She completed her OMFS training in Australia and has been practicing as an OMFS for 5 years now.
In this second episode of the dental implant audio residency series, we talk about the surgical aspects of implant dentistry. Dr. Nu Dastaran details her workflow from patient assessment, surgery planning, flap design, down to the actual implant procedure. We also discuss her preference for single vs two stage implant procedures and freehand vs guided placements.
Guest Details
Social Media:
- Nu Dastaran LinkedIn
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oralandfacialsurgeon/
- Radiograph on Noobie Dentist Website: https://noobiedentist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Untitled-1.png
Time Stamps
[04:30] How Dr. Nu specialised in oral and maxillofacial surgery
[07:48] Dr. Nu’s day to day practice as an OMFS
[10:41] Patient assessment & diagnosis in implant treatment
[16:52] Analysis of a sample radiograph
[23:10] Implant surgery procedure from start to finish
[27:18] One-stage VS two-stage implant placements
[29:01] Uncovering a dental implant
[30:09] Freehand placement vs guided placement
[31:38] Tips for preparing implant site
[38:47] Focus on the long-term prognosis
[40:58] Using guided placement as a learning tool
[43:21] Don’t be hard on yourself
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
MoreDent is driving the charge forward in integrated digital dentistry by providing world class education, equipment, products, solutions, and support to thousands of practices. Their goal is simple: to enhance clinical and patient outcomes so that dentists and patients alike can enjoy the highest possible level of success.
To find out more, visit www.moredent.com.au
Do you plan to specialise in implant dentistry? Did you find Dr. Nu’s tips useful? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Leighton Phu
Episode Run Time: 00:40:45
Today, I talk to Dr. Leighton Phu, director and principal dentist at SV Dental Centre. After graduating from the University of Melbourne in 2012, he honed his general skills as an associate dentist. In 2015, he joined a practice with Dr. Harris Schlen who also served as his mentor in implant dentistry. Currently, Dr. Leighton is a very skillful general dentist with a focus on implant dentistry.
As the first episode in the dental implant audio residency series, we talk about the basics of implant dentistry and Dr. Leighton’s experience in learning the ropes of this specialized procedure. Dr. Leighton also shares helpful tips for how to build confidence in surgery and how to communicate better with patients.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[04:38] Dr. Leighton’s journey to implant dentistry
[07:12] Getting comfortable with the process and tools
[10:44] Continuing professional development in implant dentistry
[15:44] Roadblocks in starting implant practice
[22:51] Building confidence in your surgical skills
[26:13] Key steps in a dental implant procedure
[30:39] Managing patients’ expectations
[32:18] Tips for better communication with patients
[35:37] Considerations before specializing in implant dentistry
[37:51] Get started somewhere
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
MoreDent is driving the charge forward in integrated digital dentistry by providing world class education, equipment, products, solutions, and support to thousands of practices. Their goal is simple: to enhance clinical and patient outcomes so that dentists and patients alike can enjoy the highest possible level of success.
To find out more, visit www.moredent.com.au
Do you plan to specialise in implant dentistry? Did you find Dr. Leighton’s insights useful? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Albert Gigl & Craig Spiegel
Episode Run Time: 00:52:09
Today, I talk to Albert Gigl from MW Partners and Craig Spiegel from Credabl. MW Partners Specialist Dental Accountants provides financial planning and legal services to dentists. Their team of qualified accountants have decades of experience in helping dental practices and dentists with taxes, bookkeeping, and other business solutions. Meanwhile, Credabl specializes in healthcare finance. With their industry specific knowledge, Credabl meets the needs of healthcare practitioners through specialized lending.
In this interview we talk about financial planning and the sequencing of major purchases. We also discuss suggested accounting set-ups for a practice, and the common mistakes aspiring practice owners should avoid.
Guest Details
Albert Gigl
LinkedIn: Albert Gigl LinkedIn
Craig Spiegel
LinkedIn: Craig Spiegel LinkedIn
Time Stamps
[08:01] Should you purchase a practice or a house first?
[11:16] Getting a practice loan when you have a mortgage
[14:53] Financing a car and timing your purchase
[21:30] How to structure a practice’s accounting and finance
[26:22] Service Facility Agreement & GST
[30:30] Payment structure for practice owners
[33:20] Factors that lenders consider before approving a loan
[37:34] Common mistakes by practice owners
[42:58] Things to consider before starting own practice
[45:50] Summary of key points
[46:41] Consider rural dentistry practice
[48:04] Get specialised help
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
If you need finance, be it for your personal or professional needs, the team at Credabl know the drill. From home loans and car loans to equipment and fit out loans, or even commercial properties and practice purchases, the medical finance specialists at Credabl will provide a tailored solution for you.
To find out more, visit www.credabl.com.au
Would you purchase a practice or a house first? Did you find Albert and Craig’s insights useful? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Kelly Gall & Kent Desarmia
Episode Run Time: 00:50:12
Today, I talk to Kelly Gall and Kent Desarmia. Kelly is a Director – Commercial Business with Credabl. Kelly has assisted countless dental professionals to fulfil their practice dreams for over a decade. Her high service levels and valued expertise, have seen Kelly become a trust advisor and friend to the profession. Kent has been working within the dental and healthcare market for over 20 years. For the past 8 years Kent has been the National Business Development Manager with Medifit Design and Construct bringing clients vision and practices through the design and construct journey. Medifit has completed over 600 projects since 2002.
In this interview we talk about the next steps after securing funds for your practice. We discuss how to decide between purchasing an existing practice or starting your own, and the associated challenges that come with starting from the ground up.
Guest Details
Social Media:
- Kelly Gall LinkedIn. www.credabl.com.au
- Kent Desarmia LinkedIn https://medifit.com.au/
Time Stamps
[00:05:18] Buying or starting your own dental practice
[00:07:50] Demographics of practice ownership
[00:10:21] Consulting with a specialist for loans and costs
[00:12:36] Factors to consider in choosing a site
[00:19:38] Selecting the right construction company
[00:23:33] Necessary preparations to transition into own practice
[00:29:32] The norm in financing your own practice
[00:36:18] Should you do a long-term lease or buy a building?
[00:39:45] Incentives for leasing a space
[00:42:00] Construction and fit out warranty
[00:43:39] Trust and enjoy the process
[00:45:00] Rates & fees, payment terms, security, covenant
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
If you need finance, be it for your personal or professional needs, the team at Credabl know the drill. From home loans and car loans to equipment and fit out loans, or even commercial properties and practice purchases, the medical finance specialists at Credabl will provide a tailored solution for you.
To find out more, visit www.credabl.com.au
What do you think about buying VS starting your own practice? Did you find Kelly and Kent’s tips useful? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Financial Mini Series Episode 1: Good Debt, bad Debt with Glen Stewart
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Episode Run Time: 00:43:25
Today I talk to Glen Stewart, who has been working in finance for 21 years. Originally from Ireland, he came to Australia and landed in the retail and property markets. For the past ten years, Stewart has been working in the medical finance space and is currently head of credit at Credabl.
In this interview, we talk about good and bad debt, how to buy a practice, and when to buy a house, car, or a practice. We also tackle how your credit scores are calculated and why it's essential to consult a specialist lender rather than your local bank.
Guest Details
Social Media
Time Stamps
[00:05:20] Glen Stewart's origin story
[00:07:19] Glen's main area of expertise
[00:09:04 A borrower's main selling point when approaching lenders
[00:13:05] Benefits of taking on debt
[00:15:30] The link between low-interest rates and debt taking
[00:18:42] Factors that make or break debt applications
[00:22:55] Average start-up cost to set up a practice in most cities
[00:23:50] A lender's approach to financing start-ups
[00:25:28] Factors that influence the success rate of start-up practices
[00:27:10] Buying an established practice versus starting from scratch
[00:30:10] Corporate interference during practice ownership
[00:32:49] Dental practice success stories
[00:37:30] Defining credit scores
[00:42:17] Glen's message to you about debt
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven't already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating, and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher, and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
This episode of Noobie Podcast has been proudly supported by specialist medical lender Credabl. If you need finance, be it for your personal or professional needs, the team at Credabl know the drill. From home loans and car loans to equipment and fitout loans or commercial property and practice purchases, the finance specialists at Credabl will provide a tailored solution for you.
To find out more, visit www.credabl.com.au
Were you inspired by Glen Stewart? Are you thinking of opening a practice? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr Amir Tahmasebpour
Episode Run Time: 00:43:07
Today, I talk to Dr. Amir Tahmasebpour who is a popular dentist on Instagram. Originally from Canada, he came to Australia to pursue dentistry. He worked as an associate dentist in Sydney for 2 years where he really developed a passion for oral surgery. He recently moved back to Toronto and is getting ready to continue his practice there.
In this interview we talk about the role of social media in dentistry; what it has meant to him and his career in terms of finding mentorship from around the world. We also talk about our common interest in oral surgery, his move back to Canada, and his future goals.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Dr Amir Tahmasebpour - Instagram
Time Stamps
[00:03:23] Dr. Amir’s origin story
[00:05:44] Dental school experience in Australia
[00:09:00] Finding dentistry work in Sydney
[00:11:35] Dr. Amir’s interest in oral surgery
[00:15:28] Setting up a dentistry social media account
[00:19:10] Networking and mentorship through social media
[00:21:46] Connecting more with your audience
[00:23:40] Handling online criticism and trolls
[00:27:47] Merging work and online life together
[00:30:51] Focusing on oral surgery for future practice
[00:34:33] Dr. Amir’s move to Canada
[00:38:22] Future plans for private practice
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Headline Quote
[26:59 - 27:18]
As a person who posts these kinds of content, you're kind of subjecting yourself to a lot of judgment. You're subjecting yourself to a lot of criticism. And... But I'm willing to accept it, you know? If someone's going to criticize me and if they have a valid point, I want to hear it. I want to learn from it. And that here is how you're going to grow as a clinician.
Were you inspired by Dr Amir Tahmasebpour? Are you considering specializing in oral surgery? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Bonus Episode: NDP x Dental Digest Podcast Crossover - Life of a Dental Podcaster
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
We live in a very small world these days and our dental world is even smaller. Dental Podcasts have been exploding lately with a lot of amazing podcasts springing up in all corners of the world. I personally have benefited so much in various aspects of my life from podcasts and the amazing value they provide. Within dentistry, dental podcasts are leading the way in combining education and entertainment for hundreds of thousands of dentists per month.
In this week's bonus episode I had the awesome pleasure of having a conversation with Dr. Melissa Seibert, host of the Dental Digest Podcast (https://www.dentaldigestinstitute.com/). Dr. Seibert is leading the charge in the next generation of dental podcasts in the United States and has some ambitious plans to change the face of dental education. In this episode we dive into our back stories, why we started our respective podcasts and much more.
Guest Details:
Instagram: @dental_digest_podcast
website: https://www.dentaldigestinstitute.com/
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Be sure to Like the video and subscribe to my channel for more great content!
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Links to the podcast and over valuable content: linktr.ee/noobiedentist

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
In this week's episode, I sat down with my good friends, mentors and co-founders at CPDJunkie.com.au, Dr. Jesse Green and Dr. David Keir. In this casual roundtable discussion we look back on 2020 and share our experiences, lessons learned, successes and challenges. We also talk about CPD Junkie, the progress that we have made on this project and our plans for it in 2021.
Check out CPD Junkie: www.CPDJunkie.com.au
Both Dr. David Keir and Dr. Jesse Green run their own successful podcasts so be sure to check them them out and give them a follow!
Dr. Jesse Green: https://savvydentist.com/podcasts/
Dr. David Keir: https://www.dentalheadstart.com/
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Be sure to Like the video and subscribe to my channel for more great content!
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Links to the podcast and over valuable content: linktr.ee/noobiedentist