
Monday Aug 27, 2018
NDP Episode 29: Talking Implants with Dr. Ivan Chicchon (@Implant_Ninja)
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Hello and welcome back for episode 29 of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this episode I sat down with Dr. Ivan Chicchon, the Implant Ninja himself. Dr. Chicchon is a surgical prosthodontist who completed his specialty training at the prestigious University of Michigan ( I know you’ve all seen their old school clinical videos on YouTube, pretty much got me through dental school). I really enjoyed our chat and have so much respect for Ivan, a family man, an outstanding clinician and a straight up hustler. Ivan keeps busy running his practice and is very active in the clinical implant education space. He has authored the “All on X Handbook”, runs hands on courses for dentists and is about to release his highly anticipated Online Implant Ninja course through is website: http://school.implantninja.com/.
In this interview we talk about his journey through dental school and prosthodontics residency. As you’ll here in the story Ivan loves to think outside the box and take matters into his own hands. Some great takeaways from the interview is that to stand out you need to break away from the implied rules or norms. Because most people do things the same way, there is always bound to be more competition. By breaking the rules and doing things your own unique way then windows of opportunity will always present themselves. For example, Ivan set up his practice website 3 years before we opened it. This allowed for his site to grow in terms of rank in google search and it was ready to go as soon as he opened his doors.
Dr. Ivan Chicchon:
Instagram: @implant_ninja
Website: school.implantninja.com
Show Notes and Supporters:
I’m excited to announce a collaboration with Dr. Ivan Chicchon (@implant_ninja) on his upcoming online Implants course (school.implantninja.com) coming out on September 6th!
I will be sharing my experiences as I go through and complete the course myself as I am very excited to get going on dental implants. The course includes:
- Surgical walkthroughs
- Homework assignments that take you from start to finish with surgical implant placement
- Bone grafting vids by @Fienodontics
- Extraction videos by @canadianimplantdentistry
- Easy to understand explanations
- Quick reference charts/vids!
You can’t sign up yet, but stay tuned on Instagram @implant_ninja for updates, discounts, and giveaways!
Products and sites discussed on the podcast:
Surgical Models with gums to practice implant placement:
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
NDP Episode 28: Dental Materials, Adhesive Dentistry and Biofilms with Dr. Ryan Nolan
Hello and welcome back for episode 28 of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this week’s episode I sat down with Dr. Ryan Nolan DMD, dentist, dental materials scientist and host of the Biofilm Factor Podcast! Ryan is probably one of the smartest people I have had the pleasure of speaking with and I tried to extract as much information as possible from him in this episode. We took some deep dives into dental materials, the future of dental materials, adhesive dentistry and the role of biolfilm in clinical dentistry. A lot of valuable and dense topics discussed so it may be something you come back and listen to a second time and have some pen and paper ready to write down some notes.
It’s always great to interview fellow podcast hosts and Ryan was a great guest. If you have not heard his Biofilm Factor podcast be sure to do so. It is fantastically diverse in terms of guests and topics covered and is produced very well. I certainly get a lot of value form listening to it so please check it out if you haven’t already.
Check out and Connect with Dr. Ryan Nolan DMD
Instagram: @biofilmfactor
Website: http://thebiofilmfactor.com
Show Notes and Supporters:
I’m excited to announce a collaboration with Dr. Ivan Chicchon (@implant_ninja) on his upcoming online Implants course (school.implantninja.com) coming out on September 6th!
I will be sharing my experiences as I go through and complete the course myself as I am very excited to get going on dental implants. The course includes:
- Surgical walkthroughs
- Homework assignments that take you from start to finish with surgical implant placement
- Bone grafting vids by @Fienodontics
- Extraction videos by @canadianimplantdentistry
- Easy to understand explanations
- Quick reference charts/vids!
You can’t sign up yet, but stay tuned on Instagram @implant_ninja for updates, discounts, and giveaways!
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
NDP Episode 27: Talking Oral Surgery with Dr. Ben Johnson (@PNWOMS)
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Hello and welcome back for another great episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in today’s episode we’re talking oral surgery with Dr, Ben Johnson of Pacific Northwest OMS in Auburn Washington. Ben runs @pnwoms on Instagram and is along with @bloodytoothguy, one of the original oral surgery accounts on Instagram. He is a fantastic guy and his love for oral surgery is clear if you follow his page. If we could all learn to have as much fun at work as Ben does, dentistry would be in a much better place.
In this episode we talk about Ben’s background and reasons for pursuing oral surgery as a specialty, how oral surgery and dental specialties are changing and also get clinical and talk about how to safely improve and push your clinical boundaries as a general dentist. I hope you guys enjoy this episode as much as I did and if you don’t already follow his Instagram page, be sure to check it out and give him a follow.
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Welcome back for another great episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. Both this weeks episode and next weeks episode were recorded several months ago before I moved down to Australia and I am very excited about finally getting them published and released for you guys to enjoy.
Today’s guest is Dr. Brian Baliwas the man, the legend behind SF Dental Nerd (@sfdentalnerd) on Instagram. Brian is currently practicing in probably one of the trendiest cities in the world thanks to the boom of silicon valley and the golden state warriors in San Francisco. He is a 2014 University of the Pacific grad and a true stud in every sense of the word. He’s a practice owner, he has a thriving Instagram page and above all else he is an excellent clinician who I look up to and respect highly.
We had a great chat and I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and I hope you get tons of value from it as I did. We talk about his journey of getting into dental school and how his mindset and approach pushed him to thrive. My biggest take away from this interview was the question of when is “good enough” not enough and how we should push ourselves and take pride in our work to continue to get better and better as clinicians. His sentiment of wanting other dentists, who may see his work in the future to think that’s a nice restoration or the lab to call him and commend him on his prep and margins. I think we should all be aiming for such standards!
As always please reach out on Instagram with any feedback, I do love hearing from you guys!
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
NDP Episode 25: Pathways to Comprehensive Dentistry with Dr. Keerti (@drkeertienso)
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Welcome back for another great episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. In this episode I had the great pleasure of interviewing a fantastic dentist out of Washington, Dr. Keerti. When it comes to dental education, there are not many out there who could match her credentials. After completing her BDS in India she has completed a fellowship in dentistry to disabled patients, specialised in Oral Medicine, completed an Esthetic Dentistry Continuum at UCLA and is currently a faculty member at the Speak Esthetic Institute. Dr. Keerti owns her own practice where she focuses on comprehensive dentistry. CEREC dentistry is a big part of Dr. Keerti’s practice and is a big area of interest for her.
In this episode we talk about several great topics including how to navigate the first few years of your dental career a why Values are more important than Vision. We talk about how to work towards comprehensive dentistry and the importance of structure in the CE and we take. Importance of mentorship, CEREC dentistry and oral medicine for the noobie dentist are also discussed!
Some great quotes from this episode
“Values over Vision”
“Your eyes don’t see what your mind doesn’t know”
“stay nimble, stay humble”
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!

Friday Jun 01, 2018
NDP Episode 24: The Millennial Dentist with Dr. Sully Sullivan
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
NDP Episode 24: The Millennial Dentist with Dr. Sully Sullivan
Hello and welcome back for episode 24 of the NoobieDentist Podcast
So after a couple weeks off, I’m excited to be back and I have recorded several fantastic interviews with some very influential dentists who, if you’re active on Instagram you will have no doubt heard of. In this week’s episode I am super pumped to have a fellow dental podcaster Dr. Sully Sullivan of the Millennial dentist podcast. Sully is an absolute legend and will be a big player in dentistry for years to come. He, along with co-host Dr. Peyrey have done and accomplished so much in their careers already and I truly look up to both of them. The millennial dentist podcast is an awesome source of great content and an all-star list of guests so if for whatever reason you haven’t checked them out please make sure to do so! As long as you don’t ditch my podcast in the process!
In this episode we cover a lot of topics from some of our own experiences as new dentists and what CE we should be taking. Sully is a CE junkie and has really done it all, so I really grilled him for insight into which courses and areas of dentistry have provided the best ROI for him so far. We talk implants, ortho, pin hole surgery, botox and sleep apnea as well as briefly talk about the benefits of an in house CBCT. We also touch on another topic that I am passionate about; patient communication and case acceptance. So I hope you guys enjoy this awesome episode as much as I did recording it. I certainly learned a lot form Sully and I’m sure you will as well!
You can check out the millennial dentist:
@millennialdentist on Instagram
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Monday May 14, 2018
NDP Episode 23: Peer to Peer with Military Dentist Dr. Kevin Lassiter
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
Welcome back for another great episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this episode I talk to a great young dentist Dr. Kevin Lassiter. Dr. Lassiter is a Military dentist who completed a GPR year in the United States prior to being stationed in Europe for the past few years. In this episode we chat about this dental journey and talk about what it’s like to be a dentist in the military. We also talk about clinical dentistry and the procedures we do and don’t enjoy doing!
You can follow Dr. Kevin Lassiter on Instagram: @kevinster
To support the podcast please subscribe and be sure to rate the show! It really helps the NoobieDentist Podcast grow. Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
The podcast is now available on Spotify! Just search Noobie Dentist and follow to stay up to date with the latest episodes!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Tuesday May 01, 2018
NDP Episode 22: Endo 101 with Endodontist Dr. Stephanie Tran
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Hello and welcome back for another fantastic episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this episode I speak with endodontist; Dr. Stephanie Tran! Dr. Tran (@her_holiness_the_pulp) talks about her journey through dental school to becoming an endodontist. This episode is jam packed with useful tips and a lot of information that you may want to write down so I’d definitely recommend having a pen and paper ready to go for when listening to this episode!
Dr. Tran talks us through her systematic approach to endodontic treatment and gives a step by step explanation of her sequence, starting from accessing the tooth through to obturation! We dive into the pros and cons of different common endo systems including ProTaper Gold and WaveOne as well as various Obturation methods such as GuttaCore, ThermaFil, warm vertical and lateral condensation techniques. We wrap up the episode by answering some mail bag questions that I received on Instagram! I hope you enjoy this episode and receive as much value from it as I did!
You can find Dr. Stephanie Tran on Instagram: @her_holiness_the_pulp
To support the podcast please subscribe and be sure to rate the show! It really helps the NoobieDentist Podcast grow. Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Welcome back for another fantastic episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast! In this episode I talk to my good friend Dr. Rahul Shah who completed with BDS in India prior to moving to Canada and obtaining his DDS from the University of Western Ontario. Rahul went on to complete his GPR at one of the top programs in Canada at the University of Toronto’s teaching hospital, Mount Sinai. He is currently in private practice and just producing excellent work. He takes a ton of CE and it clearly shows! We forgot to touch on this further in the podcast but he also teaches in the in endo clinic at Western and loves the interaction and mentorship that he can provide to the students!
You can find Rahul on Instagram: @yourgtadentist, go give him a follow!
To support the podcast please subscribe and be sure to rate the show! It really helps the NoobieDentist Podcast grow. Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
NDP Episode 20: Roadmap to Winning in Life and Dentistry with Dr. Todd Snyder
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Welcome back for episode 20 of the Noobie Dentist podcast! Hitting 20 episodes is a nice milestone for the Noobie Dentist podcast and it has been an incredible ride so far. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to interview so many dentists that I look up to and admire and Dr. Todd Snyder is definitely amongst them! Dr. Snyder has done it all in dentistry, he is a leading cosmetic dentist and a fellow of the AACD, is an author and has lectured extensively around the world. Not to mention that he is a serial entrepreneur and a race car driver!
This podcast was the first of its kind as we recorded the episode live on Instagram! We cover so many topics in this episode including Dr. Snyder’s journey from dental school to becoming faculty at UCLA, lecturing around the world and opening his own practice in California! He go on to discuss some technological trends currently available to dentist and finish up with some personal advice regarding opening a practice which I believe you guys will love. Listening to and editing this episode certainly had me pumped up and motivated to take the next steps in my career and I hope you guys get as much value out of it as I did!
Some links from the episode that you guys may want to check out:
http://ngenys.com Web development company entering the dental space
http://www.kapanu.com Augmented reality technology for smile design, a way of the future for patient consults and education which could be a huge game changer!
You can find Dr. Todd Snyder:
Instagram: @toddsnyderdds
Website: www.aestheticdentaldesign.com and www.drtoddsnyder.com
To support the podcast please subscribe and be sure to rate the show! It really helps the NoobieDentist Podcast grow. Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS