
Monday May 06, 2019
NDP Episode 39: ReThink Dentistry with Dr. Homam Alba
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
NDP Episode 39: ReThink Dentistry with Dr. Homam Alba
Welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. In this episode I sat down with Dr. Homam Albaghdadi out of Toronto, Canada. Homam is a general dentist and academic who is currently working on and researching health professions education. Prior to finishing his dental degree at the University of Toronto and completing a GPR program at the prestigious Mt. Sinai Hospital, Homam completed a master of Immunology and worked at the national research council of Canada. In our interview we talk about his pathway into dentistry, why he decided to pursue a GPR residency, his academic work as well his amazing blog, ReThink Dentistry.
I wish we had more time to dive deeper into some of these topics but none the less we discuss many important topics such as GPR vs Private Practice, mentorship, future of healthcare and dental education and much more. I hope you guys enjoy this episode as much as I did!
Be sure to check out Dr. Homam’s great and insightful blog at:
Instagram: @homam.alba
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook

Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist podcast. In this episode, I am reposting by interview on the Dental Head Start Podcast. The Dental Head Start Podcast is hosted by Dr. David Keir who is an outstanding young clinician who is doing great things with his blog and podcast. David and I connected over our mutual interest in helping young dentists accelerate their learning curve after dental school and it was amazing to have the opportunity to be a guest on his podcast. In this episode we talk about my background, my journey into dentistry and how work and life has been since graduating.
Dental Head Start
Instagram: @dentalheadstartpodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dentalheadstart/
Be sure to check out both the blog and the podcast!
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
NDP Episode 37: Modern Day Periodontics with Dr. Phil Walton (@drphilwalton)
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this episode I sat down with Dr. Phil Walton from my hometown Toronto, Canada. Phil is a periodontist who has been practicing for about 8 years. He completed his DDS at the University of Toronto before moving on to complete his Periodontics residency at Harvard Dental School. I have had several guest on the podcast talking implants but Phil is the first periodontist that I have had the pleasure of having on the show.
In this episode we cover a lot of great topics including
- How Dr. Walton got into periodontics
- Current state of practice for Periodontist and other specialists
- Role of Social Media and Instagram as a platform to learn and accelerate your learning curve as a dental student/dentist/specialist
- What current day periodontics is all about
- Implant dentist – Novel approached to same day tooth replacement
I hope you guys enjoy this episode as much as I did, it is packed with a lot of valuable content!
Dr.Phil Walton can be found on Instagram: @drphilwalton
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Monday Feb 25, 2019
NDP Episode 36: Implant Dentistry Pathways with Dr. David Attia
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. Over the past few episodes I have had the pleasure of chatting with some of the top leading young clinicians in Australia. From each of these dentists I have learned some valuable information and as the podcast reaches its 36th episode these trends are really starting to emerge.
The top things I have come to learn from top performing dentists in our profession from around the world is simple;
- Find good mentors
- Surround yourself with good and positive influences
- Find structured CPD programs. Think depth not breadth
- There is no shortcut to success.
Dr. David Attia defines all the above. In our chat in this episode David really highlights the above and demonstrates how they attribute to success. Dr. Attia is a general dentist with a focus on surgery. He loves implant dentistry and has invested considerable time and energy into becoming a leading young dentist in the world of implant dentistry.
I hope you guys enjoy this episode as much as I did!
Dr. David Attia can be found on Instagram: @dr.davidattia
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Happy 2019 and welcome back for another jam packed episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. In this week’s episode I had the awesome opportunity to chat with one of Australia’s leading Dental entrepreneurs and a fellow podcaster, Dr. Jesse Green. Dr. Green is the host of the amazing Savvy Dentist podcast which is one of my favourites. The Savvy Dentist podcast has played a big role in my pursuits of learning the business side of dentistry and interviewing Dr. Green and getting to pick his brain for an hour was a great experience.
Aside from being a dentist and a podcaster, Dr. Jesse Green really does it all. He is the founder of Practice Max, a program that offers the latest entrepreneurial thinking tools and cutting edge ideas from the dental and non-dental world. He is a coach working with some of the highest performing dentists in the industry and is also the author Amazon number 1 best seller RETENTION! How to Plug the #1 Profit Leak in Your Dental Practice.
In this week’s episode we spoke about Jesse’s journey from dental school through to where he is now. We spent some time talking about advice for young dentists who are thinking of opening up a dental practice and some key questions they need ask themselves:
- Am I clinically ready?
- What type of practice do I want to have?
- Where do I want to live and work?
- Do I want to start from scratch or purchase an existing practice
I hope you guys get as much value out of this awesome interview as I did!
Books we talked about in this episode:
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “Cashflow Quadrants” by Robert Kiyosaki
“How to Make Money While you Sleep!” Brett McFall
“Daring Greatly” Brene Brown
Dr. Jesse Greens Details
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/savvydentist/
Website: http://drjessegreen.com/savvydentist/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-savvy-dentist-with-dr-jesse-green/id1097462807?mt=2
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast, in this episode I sat down with Dr. Yo-Han Choi based out of Sydney Australia. Yo-Han is an excellent clinician and multi-practice owner. I was quite excited to connect with and chat with Yo-Han for this interview and we got into a lot of great topics. We discuss the balancing act of clinical excellence and practice ownership, pathways to success for noobie dentists and the importance of structured continuing professional development.
Heavily invested into continuing professional development, Dr. Choi is currently undertaking Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics MClinDent through King’s College London and we spend some time discussing the pros and cons of such programs and how structured curriculum based learning can change the trajectory of your career. Teaching is also an area of interest for Yo-Han and has recently partnered up with a past guest on the podcast, Dr. Bharat Agrawal, to run a hands on anterior and posterior composite course called BxY Stratum.
Dr. Yo-Hans Details:
Instagram: @dryohanchoi
Practice: http://www.canadabaydental.com.au/
MClinDent at King’s College: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught-courses/fixed-and-removable-prosthodontics-mclindent.aspx
Podcast Details
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
NDP Episode 33: Mentorship Hour with Dr. Paresh Shah
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
NDP Episode 33: Mentorship Hour with Dr. Paresh Shah
In this week’s episode I had the great pleasure of sitting down for a mentorship hour with Dr. paresh Shah out of Winnipeg Canada. It is always a uniquely great opportunity to have a chance to converse and learn from more senior clinicians who have not only been in the profession for a long time but have excelled within it. Dr. Paresh Shah is a clinician in the truest sense and we had a great conversion about his career trajectory from dental school to hospital residency to private practice and practice ownership. We dive into many topics on this one including the value of structured continuing education programs, benefits of becoming an excellent diagnostician and general advice for new dental grads!
Link to the Seattle Study Club:
Dr. Shah’s Practice Website
If you’ve been enjoying the Noobie Dentist podcast please be sure to rate us on iTunes and leave a review! If you have any feedback or questions or just want to get in touch you can find me on Instagram @noobiedentist
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Monday Nov 05, 2018
NDP Episode 32: Self Improvement and Hustlenomics with Dr. Sia Lord
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
In today’s episode I sat down with Dr. Sia Lord out of Halifax, United Kingdom, a young dentist working in private practice with a keen interest in aesthetic dentistry. I was first attracted to Dr. Sia’s Instagram account due to his infectious positive energy and positive messages around health and wellbeing. In this podcast episode we dive into various topics including health and fitness, morning routines, self- improvement, settings goals and a few pearls about patient communication and case presentation. I hope you guys enjoy this episode!
Some of the books we talk about in this episode:
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Dr. Sia Lord Details:
Instagram: @sialord
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Noobie Dentist Study Club on Facebook
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
NDP Episode 31: Mentorship Round Table with Prosthodontist Dr. Varun Garg and Aesthetic Dentist Dr. Bharat Agrawal
In this episode I had the great pleasure of interviewing two of my mentors and two great Australian dentists, Dr. Bharat Agrawal and Dr. Varun Garg. Dr. Agrawal is an aesthetic dentist and a multiple practice owner based out of Queensland, Australia and someone who I truly admire. He has obtained his MSc in Aesthetic Dentistry at King’s College London. Dr. Varun Garg is a prosthodontist based out of Melbourne Australia and I was lucky enough to have him as a clinical demonstrator at Melbourne Dental School while he was doing post graduate training in prosthodontics and I was in dental student. He is a pure clinician and loves his work and I’m lucky to have him as a friend and mentor.
This episode is full of dental pearls for dental students and young dentists, we discuss avenues of clinical success, seeking out appropriate mentorship, importance of structured CPD, how to work with your local specialist and much more. I hope you guys enjoy this round table format as much as I did. I think it creates great natural conversation and produces great value packed content for you guys the listeners!
Guest Details
Dr. Varun Garg - @dr.varungarg on Instagram
Dr. Bharat Agrawal - @dr.bharat.agrawal on Instagram
Dr. Agrawal and Dr. Garg have partnered with me to form the Noobie Dentist Study Club and we are proud to be holding our first lecture on October 29 2018. This lecture is called “introduction to aesthetic dentistry” and hopes to provide valuable information on assessing, diagnosing, treatment planning and executing aesthetic dental cases with aims of giving attendees actionable and practical tips that they can learn and apply the next day. If you are based in Melbourne and are interested in attending message me on Instagram or find us at the Noobie Dentist Study Club page on Facebook
The NoobieDentist podcast is now available on Spotify, youtube, noobiedentist.com, apple podcast app, stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
@noobiedentist on Instagram
Thanks for listening!
Enjoy the episode

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Welcome back for episode 30 of the Noobie Dentist Podcast! It always exciting to reach a milestone episode and having published 30 episodes is something that I am certainly quite proud of. It’s nice to reflect on all the great guests that I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to on the podcast and the hours of work are more than justified when I get messages from dentists and dental students from around the world who enjoy listening to the podcast.
In this episode I interviewed Dr. Davey Alleman who is a young dentist based in the United States. He is currently a dentist in the military and practices biomimetic dentistry. Biomimetic dentistry is a hot topic and is an area of dentistry that I have personally been interested in and so this chat with Davey was an amazing way to learn more. This episode is by far one of my favourites in terms of the richness of the content; Davey did not hold back and really delivered unbelievable value during this interview. I am sure that you guys will learn a few things as well and I hope that it can impact your thought process and even clinical practice as much as it did for me. I strongly feel that biomimetic dentistry is the way of the future and something that we will look back on in 10-15 years and wonder why we used to cut teeth for retention.
Can find Dr. Alleman on Instagram: @davey_alleman_dmd
I have attached some links for download of a couple of recommended papers from Dr. Alleman on my website in the show notes for this episode: https://noobiedentist.com/podcast/
The course that Dr. Alleman highly recommends is: https://www.biomimeticdentistryce.com/
Noobie Dentist Study Club Australia is now live: https://www.facebook.com/groups/986018644911271/
Our first event called is “Introduction to Aesthetic Dentistry” with Dr. Varun Garg and Dr. Bharat Agrawal. It is being held on October 29/2018 in Melbourne. Event details and tickets can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2073691662943081/
Enjoy the Episode!
Noobie Dentist