
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
In this weeks episode I share some of the key tools that have helped me with my communication and case presentation to patients.
Communication and Case Acceptance should be a huge area of focus for all dentists as it can change the way to practice dentistry and be able to communicate effectively with your patients to deliver the care they deserve. As good as your clinical skills become, you need to be able to communicate and gain case acceptance to be able to utilize your skills!
Few Deals for Noobie Dentist Listeners!
ClinCam - https://www.dentalphotography.shop/
Simple and easy to use entry level point and shoot camera for all clinicians. Until January 31st, Noobie Dentist listeners can get $50 off their purchase with promo code: noobiedentist
CPD Junkie x Szabi Hant Photography - www.cpdjunkie.com.au/photography
If you want a FREE cheat sheet for dental photography, head over to www.cpdjunkie.com.au/photography and download your copy today!
The Noobie Dentist Podcast can be found on:
Podcast Details: www.noobiedentist.com
IG: Noobie Dentist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoobieDentist/
Links to the interview:
Podcast app:

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
A (re)Introduction to the Noobie Dentist Podcast
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Following the refresh to the Noobie Dentist brand, introduction to the weekly mentorship series and thanks to the amazing guests that have featured, the podcast has grown exponentially over the past couple months. With a lot of new listeners finding the podcast for the first time, I thought it would be good to re-introduce myself and the concept and goals behind the Noobie Dentist Podcast.
So if you are new here, welcome! And for those of you who have been supporting the podcast since the start, it would not be what it is today if it wasn't for your support.
Stay tuned for a lot of great upcoming projects that are in the works now!
Podcast Details:
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Podcast can be found on Spotify, Podcast App, Stitcher and Google Podcasts

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Running has been a huge part of my life for the past couple of years and it has taught me several key lessons that have had a great impact on me. In this week's mentorship series I talk about these 3 key lessons and how I think they can make you a better dentist and help you in all aspects of your life.
1. Deliberate Practice
2. Run Your Own Race
3. Run Slow to Run Fast
Book suggestions for this week
1. Outliers - Malcom Gladwell
2. Grit - Angela Duckworth
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more great content.
Check out the Noobie Dentist Podcast on Spotify, Podcast app on your iphones or Google Podcasts.
Episode Brought to you by CPD Junkie – Home of Australian CPD

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr. Bruce Freeman (Part 1)
Episode Run Time: 01:12:28
Today, I chat with Dr. Bruce Freeman. Dr. Bruce Freeman is the Director of Patient Experience for dentalcorp, helping dentists across Canada achieve clinical success that results in the best experience for their patients.
Bruce is an international lecturer on clinical orthodontics, facial pain, patient experience, and virtual surgical planning. He is the co-director of the Facial Pain Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital. He further directs the Wellness Program for dental residents at Mount Sinai Hospital, emphasizing how self-care leads to the best patient care.
Bruce is an honors graduate of the University of Toronto. He completed the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester and returned to the University of Toronto to complete his diploma in orthodontics and his Master of Science degree in temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain. He is also a certified yoga instructor with additional training in breathing techniques, meditation, and trauma informed movement. He can be reached at bruce@drbvf.com.
In the first part of this two-part series, we talk about crushing your side hustle — why it is important to keep your fingers in more than one pie, to allow pivots and to keep options open. We also discuss why it is important to take chances in life, to get your foot in the door, and to not be afraid to fail. We finish up by talking about impostor syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger effect, and how these can affect clinicians in all stages of their career.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[00:04:26] What drives Bruce to pursue his side hustles
[00:08:37] How to develop and get better at a skill
[00:11:23] Bruce’s strategies for pursuing a wide variety of activities whilst still delivering high quality work
[00:13:38] The importance of attempting tasks with the appropriate level of difficulty to keep yourself engaged and motivated. How to achieve Flow
[00:15:40] How the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance can prevent you from seeing your own weaknesses.
[00:17:03] How using the “pomodoro” technique can help you to achieve concentration and productivity
[00:19:09] How to overcome a fear of failure
[00:21:17] How comparing yourself to others can be crippling
[00:24:46] How to deal with impostor syndrome
[00:26:09] How to decide when to quit and pivot
[00:28:04] The importance of learning to accept rejection or failure without giving up
[00:33:00] Boosting your self-confidence and celebrating small wins
[00:35:56] Strategies for accepting and regulating your emotions
[00:42:59] Why it is important to sometimes go against the grain and to do your own thing, instead of conforming
[00:46:15] The importance of having internal accountability, instead of depending on others
[00:54:28] Savoring your activities, and not worrying too much about occasional failure
[00:56:08] How to approach goal-setting
[1:01:08] The Wish-Outcome-Obstacle-Plan (WOOP) approach
[1:08:01] The importance of listening to your gut feelings
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world's leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. 'Making People Smile' – It's what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Headline Quote
[59:31 - 1:00:02] You know, when you talk about goal-setting, you have got to take a feet[step] back and say, “My goal is to be satisfied with the work I do. My goal is to know my patients are really happy. My goal is to know that even if I only have five hundred listeners, every week I get a hundred emails saying, ‘Wow you spoke to me today!’” What good is it if you have fifty thousand listeners and nobody ever writes you? And says “Your podcast does nothing for me. It is like I put it on the background while I am vacuuming.”
Were you inspired by Dr. Bruce Freeman’s story? Do you make the time to pursue side hustles, and to keep bettering yourself? Do you sometimes struggle to deal with your emotions and feelings of failure? We would love to hear your thoughts!
In addition, here are some helpful resources that were mentioned in the podcast:
- Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool’s book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise
- Shawn Achor’s TED Talk, The happy secret to better work
- The Big Bang Theory episode about impostor syndrome (Season 12, Episode 18)
Do remember to subscribe for more content!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Episode 5: The Power of Habit in Life and Dentistry
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Welcome to the Noobie Dentist Mentorship Mini Series. In this weeks episode I talk about habits, what they are, and how we can identify and change them.
I got introduced to Habits and the important of habits through The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. In this book Charles talks about the habit loop and how our actions are automated responses to certain cues. We're home bored (cue) and so we head into the kitchen and look through the fridge to find a snack (action) and then we enjoy the snack (reward). This Cue-Action-Reward loop underlies a lot of what we do on the day to day basis.
Have a think about all your actions in a given day. Why do you do them? Most of our daily actions are routines that we do without much thought. The first step towards change, development and improvement is to identify this and take steps to change it.
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more great content.
Check out the Noobie Dentist Podcast on Spotify, Podcast app on your iphones or Google Podcasts.
Episode Brought to you by CPD Junkie - Home of Australian CPD

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Episode 4: How to get the Most out of Continuing Education
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Welcome back to another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast Mini-Mentorship Mini Series
This weeks episode is all about continuing professional education (CPD/CE). Listen as I share my experience with dental education and provide some tips on how to get the most out of CPD.
To learn more, check out www.cpdjunkie.com.au/e-book
Please Subscribe and like the video to help support the show!
Check out previous episodes of the Podcast on Spotify, Podcast App and Google Podcasts

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Episode 3: What is role of social media in dentistry?
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Welcome to Episode 3 of the Noobie Dentist Podcast Mentorship Mini-Series
Is Social media good or bad? What are the benefits of social media for dentists and is instagram a net positive for profession?Check out this weeks episode of the mentorship Mini-Series for my thoughts on this topic. Leave a comment or message me on @noobiedentist on instagram with your thoughts!
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world’s leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. ‘Making People Smile’ – It’s what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Podcast Details
As always, if you have been enjoying listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Welcome to another episode of the Mastering Dentistry series, a place for you to learn and get inspired. I am Dr. Zeyad Hammad and it’s my absolute privilege to interview my amazing guest today, Dr. Jeff Sumner. Dr. Sumner is a Canadian pioneer in digital dentistry and has been a digital dentist since 2009. A prominent mentor, he loves to share his passion of everything digital as a mentor through multiple venues as a speaker, lecturer, and a key opinion leader. His passion for dentistry shows in his exemplary work and is rivaled only by his humbleness. This podcast will discuss his mindset to success and his take one technologies, digital dentistry, and advice for dentists trying to get into the digital arena. I wish you enjoy this podcast, get inspired, and hopefully, learn something new.
Host Details:
Follow Dr. Zeyad Hammad (@zidentist) on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zidentist/
Follow Dr. Ricky Hamami (@thesixdentist) on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thesixdentist/
Guest Details:
Dentistree Academy Youtube page & Courseses:
Podcast Details:
Please don’t forget to follow the Noobie Dentist on spotify and itunes to get updates on future episodes.
@noobiedentist on Instagram

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Noobie Dentist Podcast Mentorship Mini-Series
"People overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years" - Bill Gates
This quote had a big impact on me. Mastery of tasks and success takes time and I think it's important to recognize that good things take time. It is important to continue to grow and not expect success overnight.
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world’s leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. ‘Making People Smile’ – It’s what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Podcast Details
As always, if you have been enjoying listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr. Jalal Khan
Episode Run Time: 01:01:46
In this episode, I chat with Dr. Jalal Khan. Jalal graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Dentistry. After three and a half years in private practice, Jalal went on to run a dental van which services underprivileged people — both in regional or remote towns which do not have a dentist and in cities like Sydney. We talk about his thoughts, his motivations and his overall journey into mobile dentistry.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[02:32] When Jalal graduated dental school, did he foresee doing something similar to running a dental van?
[03:49] What did Jalal do directly after graduating? When did the mobile clinic come into play?
[06:51] How Jalal balanced developing his clinical skills with developing his business skills
[08:54] Did Jalal’s ability to ‘just act’ out of his comfort zone arise primarily from nature or nurture?
[10:39] How Jalal deals with failure or missteps.
[11:50] How Jalal overcame self-doubt regarding his time & monetary investments in the van?
[13:59] A skill that Jalal wished he had learnt
[15:49] Jalal’s most beneficial investment in himself
[18:01] Does Jalal often seek out professional help, such as when he sought out a business psychologist to help with designing his website?
[18:56] Jalal’s first trip with the dental van
[22:39] Challenges that Jalal did not foresee in running the dental van
[24:05] How often does Jalal do trips with the dental van?
[25:52] Why Jalal converted his mobile dental service into a not-for-profit
[29:03] Jalal’s partnerships with outside organizations in running the dental van
[30:41] Key observations that Jalal made as he began going out to the bush
[35:08] Key observations that Jalal made when returning to his city-based private practice, having gone out to the bush
[38:25] How Jalal prevents burnout and stays motivated
[44:10] Jalal’s future goals for the van
[47:40] Jalal’s hobbies and pursuits outside his dental practice
[49:47] Lessons that Jalal has gleaned from Gary Vee.
[52:46] The importance of being an actor vs only a thinker
[56:41] Jalal’s thoughts on habit formation and having a morning routine
[57:29] Jalal’s recommended books
[59:27] The importance of prioritizing mental health as a young dentist
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world’s leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. ‘Making People Smile’ – It’s what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Podcast Details
As always, if you have been enjoying listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Headline Quote
My first piece of advice is: just act! Too many of us just think, think, think and overthink and overthinking means nothing is getting done. And you’ve just got to act, you’ve just got to back your gut, and you’ve just gotta have a crack at it. So you can tell I’m a bit of a risk-taker. But I haven’t had any regrets from the risks that I’ve taken because it has always led to me putting myself out of my comfort zone and that’s where the most growth in life happens to all of us— whether that’s personally, professionally, mentally, emotionally, psychologically. You have to get yourself out of your comfort zone.
Were you inspired by Dr. Jalal Khan’s story and yet, find it difficult to “just act” as he recommends? Do you sometimes lack the confidence to “back yourself” and to value your own efforts and time? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
In addition, here are some helpful resources that were mentioned in the podcast:
- Gary Vee’s Instagram
- Gary Vee's Books
- Simon Sinek’s Website
- Derek Mahoney’s Orthodontic Course
- The 5am Club by Robin Sharma (Book)
- Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex Kind (Book)
- Farnam Street (FS) Blog
- Settlement Services International
- House of Welcome
Do remember to subscribe for more content!