
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Mentorship Series: 5 Things I learned in 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
2020 Was an interesting year to say the least. Many of us faced new challenges and obstacles and many of our goals and plans for the year had to be changed on the fly.
To wrap up the Mentorship Series Season 1, I thought I would share some thoughts on 5 things that I learned in 2020.
My 5 lessons for 20202:
1. Look after your health
2. Educate Yourself in Personal Finance
3. Create Your Non-Negotiables
4. Take Action
5. Stay Flexible
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Be sure to Like the video and subscribe to my channel for more great content!
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Links to the podcast and over valuable content: linktr.ee/noobiedentist

Monday Nov 16, 2020
How to be a Superstar Associate Dentist with Dr. Andrew Cheng
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr Andrew Cheng
Episode Run Time: 00:59:56
Today, I talk to Dr Andrew Cheng. Andrew is an amazing up and coming dentist in Australia. Andrew has completed many structured formal learning pathways and is passionate about CPD. These courses have allowed Dr Cheng to get the most out of his clinical practice, and take on ever more challenging and interesting cases. He has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics, a Postgrad Certificate in Dental Implantology, and he frequently travels to Seattle where he attends Kois.
In this week’s episode, we talk about CPD and the importance of investing in yourself, how to get the most out of mentorship and how to be a successful associate. We also discuss maintaining our mental and physical well-being, the importance of self-care, and becoming a successful clinician.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[00:03:31] Dr Cheng’s origin story
[00:06:45] Dr Cheng’s personality and dentistry
[00:11:20] Structured learning and commuting for clinical days
[00:15:43] Dr Cheng’s experience at the Kois Center
[00:22:45] Highlights of Dr Cheng’s time in the US
[00:23:55] What’s next for Dr Cheng?
[00:24:35] Finding balance and coping with the stress of work
[00:31:57] Dr Cheng’s five essential investments: Courses, assets and self-care
[00:42:50] Dr Cheng’s ambitions for the future
[00:45:21] What social media has done for dentistry
[00:53:02] Starting a practice and the impact of the pandemic
[00:54:47] Dr Cheng’s vision for 2021
[00:56:37] Dr Cheng’s top 3 dentistry Instagram accounts
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world's leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. 'Making People Smile' – It's what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Headline Quote
[50:51 - 51:21]
..Yeah, this was this thing I read where like, you know, like, if you are building a house, you don’t focus on building the house first right. Or, you know you don’t go in on day one and say “look, I am going to build this house perfectly”. What you do is you start, like with the foundation. So you pick up a brick and, you know, you look at the brick and you are like “ok, well how can I place this brick as perfectly as a brick can be placed?”. And then if you do that every day and, like, before you know it you have learned how to build that house. Or like, that house is, like, flourishing. Do you know what I mean?
Were you inspired by Dr Andrew Cheng? Are you considering expanding your resume of structured learning? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Rachel Jackson
Episode Run Time: 00:52:06
Today, I chat with Rachel Jackson. Rachel graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2004 with a BSc in Medical Illustration. After a few years of work and starting a family, Rachel decided to go back into clinical dentistry and completed a course in dental therapy in 2013. While doing the course and working, Rachel decided she wanted more of a clinical scope and decided to get into dentistry, leading her to the University of Aberdeen in 2017. She is currently a dental student and continues her artwork. A few years ago, her artwork began to get noticed and she was commissioned by the British Dental Journal to illustrate a series of covers for the 100th year anniversary of their BDA Library, which is what shes been illustrating for the past few months.
In this week’s episode, we talk about what motivated her to go back to school and get her credentials, and what has been the ambition behind her ongoing evolution and not settling for where she was. We talk about the power of art in dentistry, and science in general, as well as Rachel’s hope to leave behind a legacy of art and excellent patient care.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[00:05:15] Why Rachel chose dentistry
[00:08:00] What drive Rachel’s ambition
[00:11:16] Dealing with failure and finding fulfillment
[00:13:55] Time-management and learning to compartmentalize
[00:16:11] Rachel’s interest in art and science
[00:20:47] Rachel’s first artwork commission and the British Dental Journal
[00:25:36] The pressure of illustrating for the BDJ
[00:27:09] Rachel’s creative process
[00:29:26] Identity, dentistry and art
[00:39:26] Suspending the 5-year plan to live in the moment
[00:42:26] Finding fulfillment and reward in your career
[00:44:38] Leaving behind a legacy of art and excellent patient care
[00:46:09] What Rachel hopes to pass on to her children
[00:46:52] The danger of complacency
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Other links: https://linktr.ee/noobiedentist
Headline Quote
[32:27 - 32:49]
… On social media, we are sort of looked at as a creator of beauty quite often. And that is only one small aspect of what we do. And, fundamentally who we are is a healthcare professional, and health actually comes before anything else.
Were you inspired by Rachel Jackson’s story? Are you interested in the place art has in dentistry? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Episode 12: How do You Hold Yourself Accountable
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Accountability is a very important aspect of self improvement and development. Accountability can come in the form of internal and external. Internal accountability is the systems, checks and measures that we develop to make sure we are doing what we have set out to do. In dental school when you prep a crown or remove caries, a clinical demonstrator comes and checks your work (external accountability), but when you graduate and you are working without supervision - it is the level of self accountability (internal) that will determine the standard you hold yourself too.
External accountability is important too, we often join a study group or get a gym buddy to help us stay committed and on track. What is your preferred form of accountability? Are you good at holding yourself accountable or do you rely on others to to help push you to achieve your goals?
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Be sure to Like the video and subscribe to my channel for more great content!
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Links to the podcast and over valuable content: linktr.ee/noobiedentist

Monday Oct 26, 2020
The Journey of an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with Mr. Aaron Thomas
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr Aaron Thomas
Episode Run Time: 00:46:58
In this week’s episode I had the awesome opportunity to chat with Mr. Aaron Thomas (see bio below). Mr. Thomas is an OMFS in Melbourne, Austrlaia and has become an amazing mentor for myself and my co-residents this year. In this episode we talk about the speciality of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, what it takes to get in, what it takes to get through the program, and what is required to become a successful surgeon. We also talk a little about the history and Dr Aaron discusses some trends on the horizon in the future for the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Guest Bio
Mr Aaron Thomas is a dual-qualified Specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon (OMS). Aaron completed his undergraduate dental degree (BDSc) at the University of Western Australia, and upon graduation worked for a year as a fly-in/fly-out dentist serving remote & Indigenous communities throughout Western Australia. He completed his medical degree (MBBS) as well as an Honours science degree (BSci(Dent)Hons) at The University of Adelaide, while concurrently working in the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Unit at The Royal Adelaide Hospital and Adelaide Dental Hospital. After the required 2 years working as a medical intern and surgical resident, Aaron was selected into the Victorian & Tasmanian program for specialist OMS training. After 4 years rotating through the major hospitals in Melbourne and Hobart, Aaron passed the Final examinations and was awarded the specialist Fellowship, FRACDS(OMS). He is currently undertaking a subspecialty Fellowship in TMJ Surgery at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne; other areas of clinical interest including dentoalveolar surgery, maxillofacial trauma surgery and surgical correction of dentofacial deformity.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[00:03:25] Why Dr Aaron chose healthcare
[00:06:03] The history of maxillofacial surgery
[00:09:43] The decisions and qualities that led Dr Aaron to OMFS
[00:15:17] What to expect from OMFS training
[00:18:05] Dr Aaron’s first solo fractured mandible
[00:19:45] Achieving excellence in the speciality
[00:23:59] OMFS war stories
[00:28:54] The options for OMFS surgeons after training
[00:32:13] The future of technology in maxillofacial surgery and Virtual Surgical Planning
[00:36:22] Does relying on technology lower surgical ability?
[00:38:38] Recommendations for choosing and pursuing a speciality
[00:41:51] The importance of serving in public hospitals and work-life balance
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world's leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. 'Making People Smile' – It's what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Headline Quote
[21:05 - 21:26]
I think your approach to what you are trying to achieve with every operation, like, whether you are going for clinical excellence, or the perfect X-ray or, you know, some other kind of technical virtuosity, I think that is less important than remembering that at the end of your scalpel is a patient.
Were you inspired by Dr Aaron Thomas’s story? Are you considering specialising? Do you have a particular interest in OMFS? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Remember to subscribe for more content!
Find the Latest Episodes: https://linktr.ee/noobiedentist

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Series Episode 11: The Power of the Morning Routine
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Morning routines are a hot topic and have been well discussed, written about and practices by many people. Morning routines are a great way to implementing new habits, experimenting and gaining control over your day.
As Tim Ferriss says, "If you win the morning, you win the day"
Some of favourite books on this topic are:
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- 5am Club by Robin Sharma
- Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Be sure to Like the video and subscribe to my channel for more great content!
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Links to the podcast and over valuable content: linktr.ee/noobiedentist

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Series Episode 10: How to Deal with Setbacks
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Ray Dalio often talks about one his favourite principles in life being "Pain + Reflection = Progress"
As dentists, we are performing challenging procedures day in and day out. It is not uncommon, specially in our early career, to face adversity and setbacks during various clinical procedure. Complications and unexpected outcomes are not pleasant and really pile onto an already stressful job. It's all too easy to fail at a procedure and decide "that's not for me" and stop doing it all together.
In this episode I look into this quote from Ray Dalio and talk about strategies for overcoming procedural setbacks.
Podcast details:
IG: @NoobieDentist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoobieDentist/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0jxSEy6…;
Podcast App (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…;

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
In this week's episode I summarize what I have learned from Angela Duckworth's book Grit. I recently finished this book and it has become one of my recent favourites and so I am excited to share what I have learned from it.
Grit - explores what it takes to become successful in any line of work. Is it talent? Is it hard work?
Angela Duckworth concludes the following:
talent x effort = skill
skill x effort = achievement
therefore, talent counts once and effort counts twice.
She Concludes that grit is the biggest indicator for success and that grit comes from:
Develop a fascination
1. Aim for daily improvements
2. Compete with who you were yesterday
3. Greater Purpose – find purpose in what you do.
4. Adopt a growth mindset
The Noobie Dentist Podcast can be found on:
Podcast Details: www.noobiedentist.com
IG: @NoobieDentist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoobieDentist/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0jxSEy6...
Podcast App (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
The Noobie Dentist Podcast – Dr. Bruce Freeman (Part 2)
Episode Run Time: 01:24:05
Today, I chat with Dr. Bruce Freeman for part 2 of our 2 part series. Dr. Bruce Freeman is the Director of Patient Experience for dentalcorp, helping dentists across Canada achieve clinical success that results in the best experience for their patients. Bruce is a native of Toronto, Ontario where he currently practices as an orthodontist and as a staff clinician at Mount Sinai’s facial pain unit. Bruce also lectures across the globe on orthodontics, facial pain and the patient experience. Outside of dentistry, he likes to help his fellow clinicians through the practices of yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
In the second part of this two part series, we talk about practicing self-care. Bruce talks about his recent article on the happiness line and we talk about the neuroscience of happiness. We also go into how to take care of yourself through mindfulness, yoga, meditation, diet and nutrition. Finally, we touch on finances and what money means to us.
Guest Details
Social Media:
Time Stamps
[00:02:35] Satisficing: choosing between the “optimum choice is a simplified world” versus a “satisfactory choice in a realistic world”
[00:06:06] Bruce illustrates the dangers of sensory overload in decision making
[00:06:50] Why you cannot improve everything at once
[00:10:33] The importance of showing gratitude and practicing random acts of kindness
[00:12:24] Mindfully moving from one posture to another
[00:13:45] Bruce demonstrates the box breathing exercise which can produce calmness
[00:19:41] How meditation can help you to distance yourself from a blinding emotion
[00:22:20] Becoming the knower of your mind, versus letting your thoughts control you
[00:24:21] The power of the Wim Hof breathing technique, and how to slow your heart rate down
[00:26:21] Why you should internalize your goals and stop falling for gimmicks
[00:30:39] How to recognize your habits and alter them
[00:34:39] How yoga helps to connect your thoughts with your body and mind
[00:37:38] How to practice habit stacking. Incorporating new habits into your existing habits
[00:40:24] How short-term disappointments do not strongly influence long-term happiness
[00:43:08] The importance of reflecting on past experiences
[00:48:13] Why you should learn how to acknowledge your own failures and weaknesses
[00:52:13] How putting yourself out there can change your life
[00:54:33] Equipping yourself with the right tips and tools to understand yourself and to be content
[00:56:54] Enjoying your growth instead of setting impossible goals
[00:59:45] How your behaviors can impact those around you
[01:01:18] Why money is security and freedom to do what you want, and rather than a means to accumulate things
[01:06:13] Why you should prioritize experiences over possessions
[01:10:10] The importance of living beneath your means
[01:15:55] The benefits of surrounding yourself with the right people
Podcast Details
As always, if you enjoyed listening to the Noobie Dentist Podcast, please pass
the podcast along to your friends, classmates and colleagues. If you haven’t already, head
over to iTunes and give the show a 5-star rating and if you have some time, leave a review!
The Noobie Dentist podcast is now available on Spotify, YouTube, noobiedentist.com, the Apple
podcast app, Stitcher and any other podcast apps out there!
Website: http://www.noobiedentist.com
Instagram: @noobiedentist
Sponsor Details
Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world's leading and most innovative dental companies, offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that provide you with new opportunities in dentistry – for even more aesthetic and efficient results and better dental care for patients. 'Making People Smile' – It's what they do!
To find out more, visit www.ivoclarvivadent.com.au
Headline Quote
[56:54 - 57:22]
And guess what? Start at the bottom. Work your way to the top. You cannot start at the top. Like you said, it is like, “I am going to crush self-care!” Listening to it, then you are like, “What does that even mean? I do not even know.” “I am going to go to the health foods store and buy bottles of stuff! And then if I see somebody with abs on Instagram, I am going to know that is the key!” Do you know what I am saying? And it is not! You should be able to learn how to breathe like, in your own head!
Social Media Post
Your thoughts and emotions impact those around you, even if you do not realize it! Listen to this episode of the Noobie Dentist podcast to discover helpful tips for practicing self-care and regulating your emotions.
Were you inspired by Dr. Bruce Freeman’s expansion on the benefits of self-care? What techniques do you use to regulate your emotions?
Here are some helpful resources that were mentioned in the podcast:
- When Will I Be Happy? It’s All Relative by Dr. Bruce Freeman
- Herbert Simon’s paper which introduced “satisficing”
- The Wim Hof breathing method
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
- Yoga and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel S.F. Heller
- The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason
Do remember to subscribe for more content!

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
NDP Weekly Mentorship Series Episode 8: Surround yourself with Good People
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020