
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Welcome back for another great episode of the Noobie Dentist podcast, in this episode I talk with Dr. Darryl Torculas (IG: @barbells_and_burs). Darryl studied dentistry at Indiana University School of Dentistry and went on to complete a 1 year GPR at the Ohio State University Wexner medical center. He is now working in private practice in San Diego!
Dr. Torculas is an awesome down to earth guy and has become a good friend of mine. In this episode we talk about a broad range of topics including GPR vs Private practice, finding your first job out of dental school/residency, dental photography and our shared passion for the millennial side hustle! We had some poor internet connections at times so please don’t mind that the audio is a bit glitchy at times – this podcast is full of dental pearls for new grads and dental students!
Please rate the show and subscribe on itunes and through the podcast app! The podcast is now also available on Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/omid-azami/noobie-dentist-podcast) for the android users!
Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
NDP Episode 8 - Dental and Facial Aesthetics with Dr Peter McQuillan
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Happy new year and welcome back for another episode of the Noobie Dentist Podcast. This the first of many great episodes for 2018 and I could not be more grateful for the positive feedback and interaction that I have had with the listeners of the show!
In this fantastic episode I talk to Dr. Peter McQuillan, aesthetics dentist, facial aesthetics pioneer and creator of Facial Aesthetic Courses (www.facialaestheticcourses.com ). Peter is an awesome guy and someone who I really look up to. He takes his craft seriously and I don’t respect anything as much as people who are out there executing their vision. In this episode we cover many topics including paths into aesthetic dentistry, importance of continuing education and the paths to success for ambitious noobie dentists. Do not miss out on this great episode as Dr. McQuillan drops some true pearls for those of us trying to do things our way!
Dr. Peter McQuillan
IG: @drpetermcquillan
Please rate the show and subscribe on itunes and through the podcast app! The podcast is now also available on Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/omid-azami/noobie-dentist-podcast) for the android users!
Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
NDP Episode 7: Dentists of Instagram with D2 student Brandon Walker
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Welcome back for a truly great episode of the NoobieDentist Podcast!
I’m super pumped about this episode with Brandon Walker, who after spending 10 years with the United States Marines decided to back to school and become a dentist. As a mature dental student, Brandon has been doing some pretty incredible things in and out of dental school. In dental school, his lifelong hobby of photography is being put to good use and he is producing some high quality photos of his high quality work. With an affinity towards prosthodontics, you should check out this Instagram page (@prosthabilities) so see his pretty sweet hand skills at such an early stage of his career.
In this episode we explore many topics including paths of success during dental school by becoming aware of and utilizing local dental associations and study clubs that often allow students to attend for free. We also talk about the role and importance of vision and working towards practicing dentistry on your terms. Corporate vs traditional associateships and thoughts on specialising are all covered in this episode as well! I really hope you check out this episode as it is packed with high value information!
Please subscribe and rate the show on itunes and through the podcast app! The podcast is now also available on Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/omid-azami/noobie-dentist-podcast) for the android users!
Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist) for all updates about the podcast! Please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Episode 06: Dentists of Instagram with Dr. Omar Rakeen
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Welcome back to the Noobie Dentist Podcast!
In this episode of Dentists of Instagram I talk to someone I personally admire and look up to, Dr. Omar Rakeen (IG: @omarrakeen) out of Dubai. Dr. Rakeen is a general dentist and an amazing restorative dentists that I was super pumped to speak to. In this episode we take a deep dive into rubberdamology and restorative dentistry. Omar shares his secrets to success and talks about his journey into becoming such an advanced restorative dentist. I get super pumped about talking to people who love their craft and are dedicated to doing things well so I really enjoyed this episode! I hope you guys learn a thing or two as I did!
Please subscribe and rate the show on itunes and through the podcast app! The podcast is now also available on Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/omid-azami/noobie-dentist-podcast) for the android users!
Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist) for all updates about the podcast! Please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Welcome back to the NoobieDentist Podcast!
In this series of episodes called “Dentists of Instagram” I will be hoping to talk to some prominent names and studs of the Instagram dentistry community. These are dentists that I admire and look up to. I am so thrilled and forever grateful that Dr. Armand Bedrossian (IG: @dr_bedrossian) and Dr. Ryan Mizumoto(IG: @dr_mizumoto) agreed to come on my show at such as early stage! Getting the opportunity to bounce ideas off these great guys was great and I hope that it provides some value to you the listeners as well!
In this episode we talked about their journey into Prosthodontics residency, the D365 (https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/d365/id1251715438?mt=8) app and their future plans!
Please rate the show and subscribe on itunes and through the podcast app! The podcast is now also available on Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/omid-azami/noobie-dentist-podcast) for the android users!
Like and Follow on Instagram (@noobiedentist), please DM me for any suggestions about the show or if you are interested in coming on as a guest!!
Thanks for listening,
Omid Azami DDS

Monday Nov 13, 2017
NoobieDentist Podcast Episode 04: Peer to Peer with Dr Sarah Sweetnam
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Welcome to another fantastic episode of the NoobieDentist Podcast!
I this weeks episode I had the great pleasure of talking with Dr. Sarah Sweetnam out of Vancouver, British Columbia. Dr. Sarah Sweetnam is a 2017 grad and enjoying her first few months of working!
We talk about our paths from undergrad to becoming international dental students! He dive into topics such as the types of offices and procedures that she is currently in, works place fashion for noobie dentists, choosing the right CE (CPD for the Aussies and Brits) and plans for the future!
I hope you are enjoying the podcast! I am getting more and more excited about this project with every episode that I publish. I'm truly lucky to have had great guests so far and many great upcoming guests!
Please keep listening and PLEASE reach out to me with any feedback and suggestions to improve and produce better content that provides as much value and entertainment to you as possible!
Happy listening!
Omid Azami
Intragram: @noobiedentist

Monday Nov 06, 2017
NoobieDentist Podcast Episode 03: Peer to Peer with Dr Scott Buckley
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Welcome back for another fantastic episode of the NoobieDentist podcast!
This is my first episode after publishing my initial series of episodes last week! I am so excited that the show has been downloaded in 6 different countries!! A big shout out to Australia for the most downloads! It's so cool for me to be able to talk to new grads like me from all over the world and even cooler that people from around the world are listening to it. For me personally, this podcast and my instagram page allow me to stay in touch with friends from dental school in Melbourne.
In this episode I had a great conversation with a great friend of mine, Dr. Scott Buckley! Scott graduated a year ahead of me from Melbourne Dental school and is now in British Columbia, Canada working as an associate in an incredible practice that I am frankly pretty jealous about!
I hope you enjoy this episode!
@noobiedentist on instagram

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
NoobieDentist Podcast Episode 00: Introduction to the podcast!
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
In this episode I talk about my background, motivation for starting the NoobieDentist Podcast and my goals for this podcast!
I hope that this podcast will become of your weekly listening and grows to become a source of education, collaboration and entertainement! I want this podcast to become like a friend form dental school, where you go to to talk and hear about the highs and lows of being a noobie dentist!
So please check out the other episodes! I will be publishing an episode a week about an hour long. Please subscribe and give the NoobieDentist a rating and review!
Thanks for Listening!
Omid Azami DDS
@noobiedentist on Instagram

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
NoobieDentist Podcast Episode 01: Peer to Peer with Dr Mcallister
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
A great episode with an absolutely fantastic guy, Dr. Calum Mcallister out of Edinburgh, Scotland! We talk about some of the differences between how dentistry is practiced in north america vs the UK, types of procedures we enjoy and don't enjoy doing as well as our hobbies outside of dentistry.
If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to the NoobieDentist Podcast and give us a rating and review as well! Also, if you have friends that may enjoy this show, please pass this along to them!
Thanks for listening!
Omid Azami DDS
@NoobieDentist on Instagram

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
NoobieDentist Podcast Episode 02: Peer to Peer with Dr Chaker
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Welcome to another great episode of the NoobieDentist Podcast, in this great episode I talk with Dr. Sirin Chaker (@sirinchakerdds on Instagram), a general dentist in Windsor, Ontario, Canada!
Dr. Chaker was a great guest and I really enjoyed our chat and I hope that some of the many great topics covered with bring you guys some good value as well!
As always, if you are a noobie dentist out there listening to this podcast, reach out to me on Instagram and I will have you on for a peer to peer episode!
Thanks for listening!
Omid Azami DDS
@noobiedentist on Instagram